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Cyber Chip Tips

During our Cyber Chip Meeting, Troop 129 came up with a list of Cyber Safety advice based on the Scout Law. What would you add?

Trustworthy: If a friend gives you confidential information, be trustworthy: don’t gossip! Alsways tell the truth so people can trust your word.

Loyal: Don’t trash your friends online!

Helpful: T.H.I.N.K about what you are saying. Is it helpful or hurtful? Do you have friend who is struggling? Get help from a trusted adult.

Friendly: Don’t be a cyber bully. Don’t be mean.

Courteous: When you are in a Zoom class, answer your teachers’ questions with respect and good manners.

Kind: Encourage others and make them feel welcome.

Obedient: Learn the rules of the forum, chat, or social media that you are in and follow them.

Cheerful: People would rather hear someone funny and happy!

Thrifty: Be careful how you spend money online. Get your parents permission for in-app purchases and online shopping.

Brave: Resist bullies and tell an adult. Don’t pick on someone because everyone else is.

Clean: No bad or dirty language.

Reverent: Be respectful and don’t cause harm. We are all in this together.

Did you miss the Cyber Chip meeting, or just want to review?

The Troop 129 Cyber Chip 2020 presentation is the framework we followed for our discussion. You can download the pdf version here:

Cyber Chip requirements for grades 6-8 (scroll down for grades 9-12)

This is the link to the grade 6-8 requirements in case you need them.

During our meeting we watched and discussed the video “Two Kinds of Stupid,” which is suggested for all age levels in scouts. We finished requirements 1, 4 and 5 and started requirement 3 during the meeting.

To finish requirement 2

Write an internet safety contract with your parents. Here is a Boys Life Article that will help scouts and parents get started thinking about what to put in your safety contract.

Sample safety contracts

You can make your contract simple and broad, or specific and comprehensive. You may also want to include cell phone usage and messaging apps.
You do not need to share your contract with the Troop–just let me know that it is done.

To finish requirement 3

In addition to “Two Kinds of Stupid,” you should watch “Friend or Fake” ( AND
“Post To Be Private” (
“Split Decisions” (

For scouts in grade 9-12

During our meeting we watched the video “Two Kinds of Stupid,” which is suggested for both age levels in scouts. We finished requirements 1, 5 and 6 and started requirement 4 during the meeting.

Here is the requirements page in case you need it.

Requirements 2 and 3 must be done with your parents:

Requirement 2:

Write and sign a personalized contract with your parent or guardian that outlines rules for using the computer and mobile devices, including what you can download, what you can post, and consequences for inappropriate use.

Sample safety contracts

You can make your contract simple and broad, or specific and comprehensive. You may also want to include cell phone usage and messaging apps.

You do not need to share your contract with the Troop–just let me know that it is done.

Requirement 3:

Discuss with your parents the benefits and potential dangers teenagers might experience when using social media. Give examples of each.

This article is for older scouts and their parents and will help you figure out an appropriate internet safety contract.

To finish requirement 4

In addition to “Two Kinds of Stupid”, you should watch any two of these three videos:”Friend or Fake” (
“Post To Be Private” (
“Split Decisions” (

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